Northridge Academy High School Bell Schedule

The Northridge Academy High School like any other academically disciplined institution operates with routine bell schedules and regulated time schemes.

The calendar and school schedule summary is rotated due to difference in various faculty meetings. The Academic work schedule for the Northridge Academy is also tailored to suit the breaks, holidays, and semester activities.

The school gives a flexible time schedule which is revised as and when it becomes necessary like in instances of optional district acceleration days. The academic work schedule also greatly depends on whether it’s spring season or fall.

The Northridge Academy High School academic bell schedule is classified under;

  • District Calendar for the school year. The district calendar under the Los Angeles Unified School District revolves around all central and public holidays such as Independence day, Dr. Martin Luther King day, Thanksgiving day, Labor day, veterans day, Presidents day, and Armenian Genocide day, among others. These are all approved days fitted into the work schedule for the high school.
  • The NAHS (Northridge Academic High School) Fall bell school schedule, Spring bell schedule, and the NAHS Alternate schedule.

If you’re looking for the Northridge academy high school bell schedule then read on as I take through the school’s bell schedule.

What Is Northridge Academy High School bell schedule?

The Northridge academy high school bell schedule specifies the start time and duration of one or more instructional periods on each day of a day pattern.

The school has three bell schools namely the Falls bell school schedule, Springs bell schedule, and the NAHS Alternate schedule.

Northridge Academy High School Bell Schedule

The above-stated bell schedules for the school entail daily school activities in Northridge academy high school. Follow the links below to see each of the bell schedules of Northridge academy high school.

  • Falls bell school schedule – Here
  • Springs bell schedule – Here
  • NAHS Alternate schedule – Here

You can also read the summary of the Northridge academy high school bell schedule by following the link here. Summary of the Northridge academy high school bell schedule

That’s all on the Northridge academy high school bell schedule. I hope you find this article helpful.

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