How Many Questions Are On The SHSAT 2022?

How Many Questions Are On The SHSAT?

Here’s all you must know on how many questions are on the SHSAT 2022. If you’re a prospective applicant preparing to take the Specialized high school admission test (SHSAT), then look no further as I have gathered all the details on the SHSAT questions.

The specialized high school admission test is a standardized admission test mandated by designated specialized high schools in admitting new students. The SHSAT is limited to 8 specialized high schools in New York City.

The department of education, New York has nine designated specialized high schools;

  • Bronx High School of Science
  • Brooklyn Latin School
  • Brooklyn Technical High School
  • High School of American Studies at Lehman College
  • High School for Math, Science, and Engineering at City College
  • Queens High School for the Sciences at York College
  • Staten Island Technical High School
  • Stuyvesant High School
  • La Guardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

Eight out of the nine specialized high schools are required to admit new students using the SHSAT. Let’s look at the examination format;

The SHSAT tests for grammar and ability in both English and mathematics. The examination is 180 minutes (3 hours) long with no break between the sections.

Electronic calculators and other calculation aids are allowed to be used during the test (Unless instructed). Let’s now look at how many questions are on the SHSAT 2022 question paper.

How Many Questions Are On The SHSAT?

The SHSAT is only administered to 8th or 9th graders residing in New York City. In fact, about 29,000 8th or 9th graders sit for the SHSAT each year. And only a handful of the over 29,000 applicants make it into the specialized high schools.

This is a testament to how competitive the SHSAT is. So, how many questions are on the SHSAT?  Let me walk you through;

To know how many questions are on the SHSAT paper, you should first know that the SHSAT is in two sections, one section is for testing grammar and the other section is for testing mathematics.

The English Language Arts test consists of 57 questions while the Mathematics test consists of 57 questions as well.

9 to 11 out of the 57 ELA questions are revising or editing questions that are split between standalone questions and a series of questions based on a single passage. 6 reading comprehension passages with 6 to 10 questions each. 3 to 4 of these will be information, while 1 to 2 will be literary, and a poem.

For the Mathematics questions, there are 5 grid-in questions and 52 multiple-choice word problems and computational questions.

That’s all on how many questions are on the SHSAT 2022 question paper. I hope this article has been helpful to you enough.

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