The SHSAT Cutoff Scores For 2021

SHSAT Cutoff Scores For 2021

With the SHSAT Cutoff Scores For 2021 in focus, about 29,000 eighth graders in New York took the SHSAT in hope of making the cut into their preferred Specialized high school in 20221 alone.

All eighth and ninth graders residing in New York with the hopes of getting into one of the designated Specialized high schools must first pass the SHSAT entrance exams.

Out of the nine Specialized high schools in New York City, eight are mandated to admit students through placement based on their performance in the standard entrance exams known as the Specialized high school admission test (SHSAT).

The SHSAT has two parts and that is the Math section and the English section. All applicants are required to score above the cutoff scores for their preferred school of choice in order to be placed in it.

While we are on the topic of SHSAT cutoff scores for 2021, you should also check the general cutoff scores for 2020.

Now. the schools mandated by the Department of Education, New York to admit new students using SHSAT are;

  • Bronx High School of Science ( Science )
  • Brooklyn Latin School ( Latin )
  • Brooklyn Technical High School ( Tech )
  • High School of American Studies at Lehman College ( Lehman )
  • High School for Math, Science, and Engineering at City College ( HSMSE )
  • Queens High School for the Sciences at York College ( York )
  • Staten Island Technical High School ( SIT )
  • Stuyvesant High School ( Stuy )

What are the SHSAT cutoff scores for 2021?

The SHSAT entrance exams are usually taken in October and November or December. The result of which is released the next year in March. The fortunate candidates who got placed must accept the offer and be in school by June.

Each school in the eighth has its cutoff score an applicant must pass in order to be considered for placement.

Some of the cutoff scores are higher than others due to other factors like the number of available seats for placements. So what are the SHSAT cutoff scores for 2021?

It is rather unfortunate that the Department of Education, New York doesn’t officially release cutoff scores for Specialized high schools.

We’ve been able to comb the web and can confirm that these are the official cutoff scores of the eight specialized high schools in 2021.

Specialized School     Cutoff score 2021

  1. Stuy                      560
  2. Science                 517
  3. York                       481
  4. HSMSE                   515
  5. SIT                          525
  6. Lehman                  507
  7. Tech                        492
  8. Latin                       481

Looking at the above, Stuyvesant high school has the highest cutoff score among the eight as usual and Brooklyn Latin school with the lowest cutoff score of 481.

That’s all on the SHSAT Cutoff Scores for 2021. There are other SHSAT-related articles on our website to help you enter the Specialized high schools of New York.

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