. The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology scholarship is financial aid for deserving students. The school for Science and technology is a public high school under the Fairfax County public schools, Virginia.
The school is a STEM-focused institution and therefore enjoys grants and donations from private companies in support of the advancement of science and technology in the school.
In this post, I will tell you all you must know about Thomas Jefferson high school for science and technology scholarship which is available to only students.
Thomas Jefferson High School For Science And Technology Scholarship
There are a number of scholarships available to TJHSST students during their time at the school and upon completion.
The aim of every scholarship is to offer support or financial aid to applicants in diverse ways they might need assistance to carry out their academic work.
The students in TJHSST are no exceptions as there are scholarships and financial aid available to them. Some of these scholarships are meant to support STEM projects students embark on and others to support their further studies at the university or college.
What scholarships are available at Thomas Jefferson High School?
Here is a link to the Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) detailing some of the scholarships available to TJHSST students. Click here Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
There is also the TJAAG – Thomas Jefferson alumni action group’s TJHSST Future Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) leaders award for TJHSST students.
Two applicants are selected and each is awarded a $1000 scholarship award. Check the link attached for further details on the scheme TJAAG Future STEM Leaders Award.
How do I get a Thomas Jefferson High School scholarship?
Thomas Jefferson high school for science and technology scholarship is available to TJHSST students only. In order to qualify for the TJAAG STEM leaders award;
- You must be a student of TJHSST.
- Applicant must also be a student in 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
- You must be a resident of Arlington County, Fairfax County (including the City of Fairfax), Falls Church City, Loudoun County, or Prince William County.
The TJAAG STEM leaders scholarship will be open for application on January 2, 2023. Do well to apply if you’re eligible. That’s all on Thomas Jefferson high school for science and technology scholarship.
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