The SHSAT Cutoff Scores For 2022

SHSAT Cutoff Scores For 2022

Let’s focus all on the Specialized high schools and their SHSAT cutoff scores for 2022. Just like every year before, applications are opened to eighth graders in New York looking to get into any of the eight Specialized high schools to take the SHSAT entrance exams.

Despite sitting for these exams, prospective applicants are required to score above a certain scaled score to make a cut into their preferred choice of Specialized high school.

The cutoff score for each of the eight Specialized high schools changes every year but just slightly so students who sit must do better than the previous years.

Some of the schools revise their cutoff upwards while others revise theirs a little downwards. With this in mind, let’s get to the SHSAT cutoff scores for 2022. 

Every year, about 29,000 students sit for the SHSAT exams with the hopes of making it into one of the Specialized high schools but only a handful who are able to beat the cutoff scores from the eight schools are able to make it in.

After making the cut, the test scores are arranged in order (highest to lowest cutoff score). Students are then placed based on their performance and the available seats in their preferred choice of school.

What are the SHSAT cutoff scores for 2022?

In 2022, Stuyvesant high school posted the highest cutoff score for admission. The school has consistently had the highest cutoff scores among the eight Specialized high schools in NYC.

Here is a summary of the SHSAT cutoff scores for 2022 as released by the management board of the eight specialized high schools.

      School                              cutoff score

  • Stuyvesant                            563
  • Queens science @ York        523
  • Bronx science                        524
  • Staten Island Tech                 527
  • HSMSE @ City College          532
  • HSAS at Lehman                    516
  • Brooklyn Tech                        506
  • Brooklyn Latin                        497

From the above, SHSAT cutoff scores for 2022, Stuyvesant high school as usual posted the highest cutoff scores among the eight Specialized high schools for the 2022 admissions.

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