
What Is Stuyvesant High School Admission Rate?

Let us learn about Stuyvesant High School admission rate here. Knowing all about Stuyvesant High School admission rate doesn’t only help you make informed decisions on your quest to join the school but also offers you the chance to know what you’re up against.

I covered previously all you need to know about the Stuyvesant High School acceptance rate. But have you wondered what the Stuyvesant High School admission rate will be? I will be covering all you must know about Stuyvesant’s admission rate.

Let’s first take a look at what is meant by a school admission rate. A school’s admission rate refers to the percentage of applicants accepted (or admitted) into the institution in a given year.

Back to Stuyvesant High School, due to the specialized status of Stuyvesant coupled with its academic achievements and prestige, it receives the highest number of applications among the nine specialized schools in New York.

The school receives an estimated 30,000 applications each but the number that is successfully admitted makes their admission rate.

It is important to note that admission into eight of the nine specialized high schools in New York is solely based on your test scores in the SHSAT exams.

Stuyvesant is among the eight specialized schools using the SHSAT in admitting new students and has posted the highest cutoff scores for some number of years now.

What Is Stuyvesant High School Admission Rate?

How does this play into the admission rate? Let’s find out.

What is Stuyvesant High School admission rate?

The admission rate of Stuyvesant High School is less than 3 percent of applicants who apply to the school every admission/school year.

Out of the 30,000 plus SHSAT applications each year, Stuyvesant only admits a little over 800 students to the school.

The school is highly selective but still receives the highest chunk of applications each year. The current enrollment of the schools is pegged at 3,344

Stuyvesant High School admission rate

Stuyvesant only admits students with a SHSAT score of over 563. That leaves us with only a little less than 3 percent of the 30,000 plus applications received.

Since the number of applications to Stuyvesant has fairly remained the same over the years. It is okay to assume the admission rates also remain the same.

Be reminded that admission to Stuyvesant high school still remains exclusively open to only 8th and 9th graders residing in New York.

That’s all on Stuyvesant’s high school admission rate and I hope you find this article really helpful as you seek to join them.

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