Northridge Academy High School history and management; here is all you need to know about us
If you are looking for information on Northridge Academy High School’s history and management, I got you right here.
In this post, you will read all about Northridge Academy High School history and management so let’s get to it then.
Northridge Academy High School is a public high school located in Northridge, Los Angeles, California, USA. The school serves lower grades 9 to higher grade 12.
The school currently has a total enrollment of 1,062 with a student-to-teacher ratio of 24:1. The gender distribution based on the current enrollment is 48% Female and 52% Male. It has an 86.7 minority enrollment.
The Student diversity is spread among 13.3% Whites, 70.8 Hispanics, 11.3% Asians, 2.7% Blacks, 1.6% Two or more races, 0.1% American Indians/Alaska Natives, and 0.1% Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders.
The school has 43 full-time equivalent teachers with Nidia Castro as the current Principal of this great school.
The colors of the school are Royal Blue, Black, and White. Northridge Academy belongs to the ‘Valley Athletic Conference’ and Puma is their official Mascot.
The school contains three academies: Health & Human Development, Arts, Media & Communication, and Careers in Education. 9th-grade students “explore” the various academies. The students select one for focusing on grades 10 through 12.
History of Northridge Academy High School
Now, let’s look at the history of this school from 2004 as it was established. Northridge Academy High School first opened its doors on September 10th, 2004 with just 614 students in grades 9 and 10. It now serves grades 9 to 12 with an enrollment of 1,062.
The school opened as a partnership between Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and California State University, Northridge. The school is currently being administered by the LAUSD.
Before the school opened, LAUSD referred to the school as Valley New High School #1. The school relieved overcrowding at Monroe, Cleveland High School, and Granada Hills Charter High School.
Northridge Academy does not have its own attendance boundary. Rather, it shares the attendance boundary of four neighboring high schools (Cleveland, Granada Hills Charter High School, Monroe High School, and John F. Kennedy High School).
Eighth graders who live in the attendance areas for these schools have the option of applying to attend Northridge Academy. Northridge Academy maintains a Block Schedule in which students go to 110-minute classes. Students also have a 30-minute Advisory (homeroom).
Management of Northridge Academy High School
As already stated in the history of the school, it’s the joint management of LAUSD and California State University, Northridge to reduce overcrowding at Monroe, Cleveland High School, and Granada Hills Charter High School.
That’s all on Northridge Academy High School; History And Management. All facts and figures were sourced from usnews.com and wikipedia.org.
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