List of Public High Schools In Los Angeles

public high schools in Los Angeles

Here is a list of public high schools in Los Angeles you should know about. I have carefully compiled this list of public high schools in Los Angeles using insights from Wikipedia.

Los Angeles County, officially the County of Los Angeles (L.A. County), is the most populous county in the United States and in the U.S. state of California. Los Angeles is also the second most populous city after New York.

Due to its large population, it has got one of the largest numbers of schools both private and public in the United States. Los Angeles has about 51 public school districts and these districts have got about (361) schools under them.

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is the largest school district among them. The LAUSD alone has about 159 schools under it. These schools only serve grades 9-12.

These schools are grouped into zoned high schools, highly gifted magnet high schools, alternative high schools, and continuation high schools. Let’s get to the list of public high schools in Los Angeles;

What are the public high schools in Los Angeles?

Even though high school in the United States begins from grade 9 to grade 12, most of the schools in the list serve kindergarten to grade 12 which technically qualifies them as high schools.

Below you will find a link to all the public high schools in Los Angeles. This is a list you can download for proper access.

Public High Schools In Los Angeles County, California

Los Angeles Unified School District

While we are looking into the topic of high schools in Los Angeles, you should also check the following updates from us on education in Los Angeles;

That’s all on the list of public high schools in Los Angeles at the moment. You can bookmark this link and check for more later.

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